Please note that we do not operate an express delivery service. The delivery timeframes stated on this website are for guidance only and may a little longer. Also, the delivery timeframes apply from the time an item has been collected from source by us, not when the delivery booking is made. If you have constraints regarding a particular delivery, please contact our friendly staff who will be pleased to help with a solution.
Due to the fact that we deliver a wide range of furniture in a variety of conditions (e.g. brand new, needing restoration, antique etc.), we are unable to inspect the condition of goods upon collection and delivery because our drivers are unaware of the expected condition of the item(s). The customer is responsible for communicating with the recipient regarding the expected condition of the item(s). All recipients must inspect delivered item(s) and sign a delivery note to say that the item(s) are in 'as expected' condition. The customer is responsible for communicating this to the recipient. No insurance claims can be made against us for item(s) that have been signed for. A redelivery charge will apply for items that are rejected by the recipient, except in the circumstance where items were damaged whilst in our possession.
Although our drivers are very careful, and it is our policy to blanket and strap-down items whilst in transit, movement does occur, therefore it is the customer's responsibility to ensure that items are adequately packaged in order to avoid damage. Upholstered items and mattresses must be fully enclosed in a polythene wrap to ensure that they do not get dirty. No claims can be made against us regarding items with insufficient packaging. Please note that if an item is damged during transit the relevant insurance claim form must be completed, as the claim will go through our GIT insurance. You are no permited to deduct this cost from your payment to WDA Home Deliveries Ltd.
All items must be labelled with the recipient's name and address. If there is more than one part to an item, for example a wardrobe that is supplied in three parts, then each individual part must also be labelled with the recipient's name and address. No claims for loss can be made against unlabelled items.
Where insurance claims are made, please note that the cost of an adequate repair to the item is covered OR the purchase price of the item, whichever is the lesser. No subsequent losses are covered under our insurance terms and conditions.
Please ensure that we have all the correct details when booking your delivery. Changes to our delivery schedule will result in a £15.00 administration fee.
The 2 Man White Glove Home
Delivery Company That Cares.
Terms And Conditions