All delvieries booked in. 4 hour time window given.
All customers recive a 1 hour pre-call.
All Vehicles are equipped with Cab phones for constant communication.
Vehicles are equipped with Load lock bars, tie bars, strapping and blankets to protect the furniture during transit.
Vehicles carry a full tool kit for the assembly and disassembly of the furniture.
Risk assesments carrieed out on all deliveries.
An array of equipment is used during the delivery to protect the customers property and furniture, they include – Protective Sofa bag, Door Protector, Carpet cover, unpacking blanket, upholstery gloves, safety gloves, skate, carrying straps, overshoes, spares and tool kits.
Small vehicles can be used to carry out deliveries where access with a larger vehicle will be an issue.
Delivery to room of choice
Items unpacked, assembled and packaging removed.
Vehicles are modern and can carry the customer's livery if required.
Full insurance held.
WDA hold a waste licence and are licensed as a Broker and Carrier.